The importance of yoga on human body:
If want know properly about the importance of yoga on human body then visit this post. In this post we are discussed the importance of yoga on human body ,briefly ,and in a simple way .
Introduction to yoga:
Yoga literally means "to unite with the self " or "become one". The word yoga comes from the word"yui", which means to yolk or to go within the center.
In a most simple way, the term yoga signifies ' a practice of uniting the body, thought, and breath for living in the present without"suffering'.
Patanjali , using the lessons of his Sutras , broke yoga, down into the following eight areas or limbs , which are regarded as ashtanga(Yamas-self control, Niyamas-methods of discipline, Asanas-physical postures, Pranayama- breath work, Pratyahara- assistance with withdrawing from the senses, Dharana-concentration, Dhyana- mediation, Samadhi- absorption or liberation from the mind and the body).
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File:Yoga Teacher Training India - Shiva Tattva Yoga, Rishikesh ,Image by- Shivatattvayoga , Source , License-CC BY-SA 4.0 |
The history of yoga can be broken down into five periods these are -Vedic , Pre-Classical, Classical, Post-classical,and Modern.
➡️Importance of yoga on human body:
There is a lot of importance of yoga on human body, some of the importances are given below,
1.Improving athletic performance:
Yoga helps to increase the strength of the body and makes athletes agile and also makes a human being strong.Yoga also brings a new sense of clarity or focus to athletes that they can use to improve performances.
2. Protects body from injury:
The asana practice of yoga mainly focuses on the strength and flexibility of body.Becuse of this reason many people will find that their bodies become more stronger than earlier and more resistant to injury than they were prior to beginning yoga.
3.Increase inner strength:
Yoga makes a body stronger and more flexible , which help in increasing the confidence.
4.Enhancing focus:
One of the most important significance of yoga is to concentrate on the respiratory process and on the alignment of the postures.
By doing this anyone can remove their focus from the things which are present in the outside and needless.By focusing on the every step of yoga anyone can focus in their daily life.
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5. Assisting with sleep:
Yoga can remove the stress and can create focus,and hence it is become easy to sleep off into slumber at night.
6.Improvement in the body circulation process :
Yoga has a significant role on the cardiovascular system.Yoga lowers blood pressure and heart rate.So the patient with high blood pressure,can decrease his/her blood pressure by doing yoga.
Also the movement which are associated with yoga, encourages the body's lymph fluid to drain more properly.
7.Increase the sense of space:
Propioception, means the ability to understand how your body moves in a space.Yoga can increase proprioception.
8.Supporting weight loss:
As a system of exercise that can increase the heart rate and build muscle , yoga inevitably makes weight loss possible.
9.Adding to your strength:
Yoga helps to make a muscle more stronger than earlier.As the muscle become more strong with the help of yoga,it adds more strength.
10.Role in flexibility:
One of the most important benefits of yoga ,is , it's role in making the joints more flexible, which in turn decreases the stiffness during walk.
11.Role in the improvement of balance:
One of the most important characteristics of yoga is to involve the core muscles in this process .Which in turn teaches anyone to center their body and gain physical balance with ease.
This balance sometimes starts to transfer into our daily lives as well. So,we might also create a better work-life balance, too.
12.Decrease stress:
Through asana, breath work or mediation,yoga gives us the tools to relax ourselves.Breathing in a deep mindful manner , calms the nervous system.
13. Managing chronic conditions:
Many different types of yoga have sprung up to help people deal with specific needs. There is pre and post natal yoga that helps expectant and new mothers adapt to the changes in their body.
Yoga for the aging can help keep seniors active and free from injury.Yoga is also beneficial for the patients who are suffering from diabetes.
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